Meet Your Guide to
Turn chaos into clarity
Uncover your true priorities, ditch the overwhelm, and design a life you love with this 21 day priority reset.
Let’s get real for a second, friend
You've checked all the boxes society tells you to check, but you still feel like something's missing.
You go to bed at night wondering, is this it? Isn't there more to life than just going through the day-to-day motions?
You're unfulfilled and on a hamster wheel of busyness, constantly scrambling from one thing to the next. You want to make a change, but you don't know how or where to begin.
You have dreams, but you're struggling to take action on them and you aren't even sure which direction to go.
I was working long hours away from my kiddos and harboring dreams that I didn't know what to do with. I was doing all the things society told me to do, but I felt completely unfulfilled. I had lost my spark and I didn't know how to take charge of my life or change directions. Finally, I put pen to paper and got clear on what mattered to me and why. Then I started taking action to actually live my life based on my priorities.
Now I'm living with more freedom and clarity then ever and I’m sharing my step-by-step approach with you in this 21-day guide. From Chaos to Clarity is an easy to follow workbook outlining exactly how to uncover your priorities + take action, so you can start living life on your own terms.
Repeat after me
You are one of a kind.
You have a purpose and gifts that the world needs.
You are worthy of creating a life you love.
Imagine This…
→ You wake up every morning feeling at peace and fulfilled, knowing you're finally living life on your own terms.
→ Your schedule is more open and you no longer feel overwhelmed. (Goodbye hamster wheel of busyness!)
→ You've slowed down and now you have more time for your family and the things that you care about.
→ You have clarity on your dreams and you have an action plan to make them come true.
→ You're confident in your purpose and gifts.
→ You're set free from having to do life a certain way. You have the encouragement and inspiration you need to create a life you love.
Are you getting excited yet?
From Chaos to Clarity: A 21-day Priority reset
My comprehensive guide to uncovering your priorities, kicking overwhelm to the curb, and designing a life you love. Each strategy is broken down by day and includes an action step so you can dig into your purposeful life.
Let’s take a look at what’s inside
week 01
Setting Priorities
Discover and gain clarity on what truly matters to you and why. From your core values to your strengths and desires, we'll end this week with a priority list to use as you move forward in life.
week 02
Living in Alignment
This is where we'll start eliminating the things that don't align with our priority list. From your calendar events to your boundaries, we're ruthlessly cutting to focus only on the things that matter.
Week 03
Putting our priorities into practice
Here's where we take action. We'll cover rhythms and routines to help you live in alignment with what matters to you. I'll give you a few ideas and plenty of space to brainstorm, too.
Live with intention and create the life you love today.
According to a Gallup poll, 900 million people around the world feel unfulfilled with their life?
Let's write a new story
—a full and rich life is possible.
I want to give you the tools you need to live a life of purpose and intention. This workbook is designed to walk you through tried-and-true strategies in small, bite-sized steps.
In this ebook, You’ll learn how to...
Get crystal clear on what matters to you and why.
Identify and cut out the things that aren't actually important to you.
Rewire your thinking so you're less focused on time management, and more focused on only your priorities.
Take action on your dreams.
Use your strengths and desires to fully become the person you were created to be.
Set stronger boundaries to keep the main things the main things.
Let's create your beautiful life together
Get everything you need to know on how to live a life of clarity in one payment of
Includes a free bonus!
The Chaos to Clarity Google Doc Journal
Don't wait to take action
In addition to the ebook, I'm including a Google doc that you can use to work your way through each action step. This document is yours and yours alone, and gives you space to reflect, think, and make notes on how you'll take action to begin living an intentional life.
There’s no greater feeling of defeat than checking all the societal boxes, but still feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Ask me, I've been there.
In 2017, I welcomed our last little to the family and officially felt like I had checked all the quintessential “boxes.” My life looked great on the outside, but I was filled with a sense of dread on the inside. I felt like I was doing it all, but I was somehow missing it all, too. I wanted more time with my kids and I had dreams nestled deep in my heart that weren't seeing the light of day. I felt lost and unfulfilled, knowing I wanted more out of life, but not sure how to get there.
Finally, I put pen to paper and sorted out what was really and truly important to me. Not the things I felt should be important, but the things that my soul knew I wanted out of life. Then I took action. Baby step by baby step, I started making life changes to live the life I truly dreamed of. One that was full and rich and joyful. I intentionally made more time for my family and took a giant leap on a career change. This life is beautiful. And I want to help you fall back in love with your own beautiful life, too.
It's time to embrace the life you know you were meant to live.